Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cleanest & Nastiest Restrooms in Restaurants, Stores, Travel Stations and Hotels

According to Google maps, there are 50,000 fast food chains across the US and Americans spend nearly $100 billion on fast food every year, $41 billion per year at hotels, and a whopping $469 billion shopping at stores.

All I'm asking "owners and managers to do is - "put value on your restrooms!"

Beginning in 2012, my New Year's resolution is: Spend money only in restaurants, stores, hotels and/or travel facilities that have clean and fresh smelling restrooms. Just like "Buy American" can jump start a sluggish economy, so to can "Keeping Your Restrooms Clean!"

While traveling from Arkansas to Washington, DC during the Winter Holidays, I discovered that roadside rest stops in practically every state had clean restrooms. Their restroom cleanliness exceeded some of my favorite traveling restaurants where I frequently stop (McDonalds, Golden Corral and Subway). Attendants were on-duty to keep the facilities clean every 30 minutes or more. 

Should restrooms at public highway rest stops be cleaner than private restaurants and stores? If you want my money in 2012, you've gotta have clean restrooms. Believe me, I'm coming to your place of business to check for myself.

Please provide your comments on Restaurants, Stores, Travel Stations (Airport, Bus, Train & Etc.) and Hotels with the Cleanest Restrooms or Nastiest Restrooms...

10 Tips For Using Public Restrooms

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hypnotize Your Buyer - Explode Your Sales! NLP Trance Words to Increase Ad Sales and Traffic to Your Site

What is NLP? NLP is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a form of hypnosis that enables you to secretively persuade buyers and control their subconscious mind without them realizing it through subliminal messages (either spoken or writter).

Get this free ebook and learn how to hypnotize your buyers into buying your products...

TRANCE WORDS - 120 words that make people buy

AD TITLES & DESCRIPTIONS - how to appeal to customers wants and needs

THOUGHT BINDING - how to set the mood or thought to buy


Did you know that major corporations in the USA spend millions of dollars in research to determine the right word(s) to use in advertisements, brochures, and sales pitches?

I'm snitching on the industry by providing you with the most persuasive words to use in your ads to get more sales of your products or services!

It's so simple! Use a few compelling words in your title and descriptions to create 'psychic and hypnotic effects' on buyers and cause them to act and behave in a certain way. If you know the words which trigger the basic needs and urges of an individual -- you have the world at your fingertips.

Now that you have their attention, you need to keep it in order to make the sale. To keep their attention, you'll need to play on their emotions by letting them know how great your product is, and how much benefit they will get from it. You will also want to make these words bold so they stand out for the readers that browse. Capture your customers attention and ensure that your ads "get the click!"


Just Type-in Anything You Want or Need - Nationwide Craigslist Search

If you are not using NLP to make money, then your competition is!

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